Cork Globe to stick pins in
Large cork globe with pins and string
Mini cork globe with pins and string
Large and mini cork globes
Mini cork globe close up
Large and mini cork globes in packaging
Cork Globe XL, L, S
Large cork globe
Mini Cork Globe
Extra large Cork Globe

Cork Globe

Product 397 of 425
$160.00 Buy  Large $80.00 Buy  Small
$200.00  XL Sold Out
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Pinpoint your travels right on the globe.

  • A globe you can stick pins in.
  • Countries printed black on natural cork.
  • Plot where you’ve been or plan your next adventure.
  • Rotates on a sturdy, stainless steel base.
  • Large 10” (Ø 25cm) | Small 5.5” (Ø 14cm) | XL 12.5” (Ø 32cm)
  • Pack of 6 red map pins included.

Stick pins in the places you’ve been or plan your future travels. Cork Globe printed with a clear and simple world map: pinpoint cities and tick-off countries as you journey around the planet. Mounted on a stainless steel base and supplied with pins. Been there? Done that? Show off your globetrotting exploits for all to see. Choose between Standard 10” (Ø 25cm), Small 5.5" (Ø 14cm) or XL 12.5" (Ø 32cm)

An idea by Chiaki Kawakami made by Suck UK

Large 250 x 300 x 250mm | 0.7Kg
Small 140 x 180 x 140mm | 0.2Kg
XL 320 x 360 x 320mm | 1Kg

Cork globes for plotting adventures
Grey background
Cork globe - pin point your travels

Pinpoint Your Travels

Stick pins in the places you’ve been or plan your future travels. Choose between the mini 5.5" (Ø 14cm), large 10” (Ø 25cm) or the extra large 12.6" (Ø 32cm) cork globe with a clear and simple world map: pinpoint cities and tick-off countries as you journey around the planet. Mounted on a stainless steel base and supplied with pins. Been there? Done that? Show off your globetrotting exploits for all to see.

Design by Chiaki Kawakami for Suck UK