Chemistry Terrarium Kit

Product 372 of 420

Custom lab-flask to home a mini indoor garden.

  • A conical flask with a side window to create a terrarium
  • Contains all you need to build a mini eco-system; coir, sand, activated charcoal and pebbles
  • Just add plants
  • Measures 120mm(W) x 225mm(H) x 120mm(D)

Everyone’s favourite piece of the chemistry set, a conical lab flask, specially made with a window in the side for creating a terrarium. The kit contains all you need to build a mini eco-system soil, sand, activated charcoal and pebbles. Just add plants. A great gift for green fingered scientists.

An idea by Nick Lerwill made by Suck UK

120 x 225 x 120mm | 0.8Kg