Large Laundry Bag
Punch Bag Lundry Bag
Best Laundry Bag for Teenagers
Best Laundry Bag for boys
Large Laundry Bag
Punch Bag Lundry Bag

Punch Bag Laundry Bag

New 0 of 71

Turn a chore into a workout

  • Laundry bag disguised as a classic boxing gym punch bag.
  • Use your dirty socks as a punch bag.
  • Tough, durable and resilient – perfect for both jobs!
  • Giant 70 litre capacity for even the biggest load of washing.
  • Hanging straps and over-shoulder carrying handle.

Big enough to hold a heavyweight load of washing, ideal for boxers, trousers and shirts, there's even enough room to throw in the towel (no pun intended). A great back to school gift.

An idea by Jason Lempieri made by Suck UK

300 x 1,000 x 300mm | 0.6Kg

punch bag laundry bag - turn a chore into a workout
includes hanging hook
black or brown colours
Use your dirty laundry as a punch bag
Big enough to hold a heavyweight load of washing & tough enough to take a beating. Rocky trained by punching frozen beef, now you can use your dirty laundry for your work out. Hang the bag in your wardrobe or the corner of your room, until you're ready to take your laundry to the cleaners, literally! Ideal for boxers, trousers and shirts, there's even enough room to throw in the towel.

(No puns intended).

Design by Jason Lempieri of RethinkTank LLC