Guidebook to ruler playing, and ruler.
Tongue-in-cheek book Including your very own 'instrument' to get you up and playing Immediately. Perfect for any would-be musician. Discover the secrets of modern ruler playing with Dan Wieden. The original maestro takes you through the highs, the lows, and the variety of twanging techniques.
Product conformity is of paramount importance. Safety and responsibility for environment begins at the design stage of each product, the specification of materials and components, right through to the production method. We strive to supply you with a safe product and one that conforms to all regulations.
Recyclable Packaging Made from materials that can easily be recycled if disposed of correctly.
Plastic Recycling Type-6 Please be responsible and recycle any unwanted plastic product or packaging. PS is a Type-6 plastic, other products that use this type of plastic include egg cartons and disposable cutlery. Your local recycling centre will have the capability to recycle this type of plastic.
Plastic Recycling Type-3 Please be responsible and recycle any unwanted plastic product or packaging. PVC is a Type-3 plastic. Your local recycling centre will have the capability to recycle this.
Sedex Member Ethical Trade Audit Our production partner is audited to Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) guidelines: Labour Standards, Health & Safety, Environment and Business Practices.
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This is not a Toy This product is not intended for children, and has not been classified as a toy.
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