30th birthday


SuckUK have been designing and producing novel products since Jude & Sam accidentally formed the company in 1999. Most recently SuckUK have merged with long-time friends and allies Luckies of London, we now bring you all these great ideas in one place. Here we give you everything we make in one long list.

Price All | 0-$10 | $10-$20 | $20-$40 | $40+
60 Products
Sudoku Deluxe
$60.00 New
Ludo in a Book
$40.00 New
Smiley Globe
$75.00 New
Pencil Light
$40.00 New
Big Ben PanoS1
Las Vegas PanoS1
Le Sagrada Familia PanoS1
Colosseum PanoS1
Pyramids PanoS1
Acropolis PanoS1
Taj Mehal PanoS1
Empire State PanoS1
Sydney Opera House PanoS1
Eiffel Tower PanoS1
Direct Hit
$52.00 Best Seller
Poison Potion
$60.00 New
Love Potion
$60.00 New
Cordless Candle Lightbulb
$40.00 New
Cordless Calavera Lightbulb
$40.00 New
Deep Soak
$50.00 New
Max Relax
$50.00 New
Cordless Smiley Lightbulb
$40.00 Best Seller
Chess in a Book
$40.00 New
Backgammon in a Book
$40.00 New
Checkers in a Book
$40.00 New
Build Your Own Guitar
Skull Bookends
Chimp Tidy
Scratch Globe
$80.00 / $120.00 Best Seller
Cordless Rainbow Lightbulb
$40.00 Best Seller
Cordless Star Lightbulb
My Family Recipe Binder
Line Up
Cordless Heart Lightbulb
$40.00 Best Seller
Wooden Elephant Stapler
$60.00 / $35.00
World Tour
$85.00 Best Seller
Skull Light
Screen Printing Kit
Compact Colour Change Umbrella
Cat Scratch Rainbow
Cat Scratch Skateboard
Cordless Lightbulb
Dead Man’s Hand
$96.00 Best Seller
White Cork Globe
$160.00 / $80.00
Solar System Hooks
Book Rest Lamp
Chemistry Terrarium Kit
Stag Tidy
Jetpack Backpack
Dinosaur Bottle Opener
Skeleton Jewellery Tidy
BBQ Toolbox
Our Life Story
Deluxe Scratch Map
$35.00 / $28.00 / $70.00 Best Seller
Corkboard Map
Classic Scratch Map
$22.00 / $29.00 / $58.00 Best Seller
Skull Tidy
Cork Globe
$160.00 / $80.00 / $200.00
My Life Story
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